Wednesday 31 December 2014

My VIPs of 2014

Well! Good day everyone. I suppose we're all getting ready for the New Year. Some of us are already planning and praying for the direction to head next year. Some others I suppose are just using the moment to relax and cool off and just want to get into the New Year. Some are in between these 2 groups and some are entirely out of this range. No matter the part of the Venn diagram you're in, I still greet you.

It's Almost the New Year

It's about that time of the year when we get to look back and appraise ourselves: how well have we fared this year? What have we learnt? What habits have reduced?

Friday 26 December 2014

Meet Oluwadara "Dara Davids"

This is Oluwadara Davids. I am final year student of the College of Medicine of the University of Lagos pursuing an MB;BS degree. I have biases for music, computers, mobile phone technology, graphics design.

Saturday 20 December 2014

Watch this spot

This is the blog of Oluwadara Davids, a young mobile technology and music enthusiast, graphics designer and a medical doctor in the making, interested in Medicine & Technology.
I'm still brewing my first post... Watch out